The Zurich Set
Our new card set unites four striking brutalist icons from Zurich
Our new card set unites four striking brutalist icons from Zurich
Discover Zurich’s 19th century concrete pioneer, explore Platzspitz Park and dip into Letten Canal vibes on this short city walk
School Yard Play Sculpture, Ralph Bänziger, Grünau Social Housing Estate, Zurich 1976-77
Commercial Building / Private Clinic, Justus Dahinden, Zürich 1965-1967
Commercial & Administrative High-Rise Complex, Haefeli Moser Steiger, Zurich 1955-1964
Architecture, art and interior design meet in this 1971 brutalist Zurich family home
Secondary School, Esther + Rudolf Guyer, Zurich 1964-1967
Der Triemli-Turm in Zürich ist eine brutalistische Zumutung. Wie lebt es sich darin?
Residential Tower, Esther & Rudolf Guyer, Zurich 1955 (design)-1966
The World’s Tallest Grain Silo, Harder Haas Partner, Zurich 2013-2016
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