Sentier des Toblerones (Toblerone Trail)
Swiss WWII Anti-Tank Fortification Line, Bassins to Nyon, Canton of Vaud, 1939-1944
Swiss WWII Anti-Tank Fortification Line, Bassins to Nyon, Canton of Vaud, 1939-1944
Apartment Building, Atelier 5, Wünnewil-Flamatt, Canton of Fribourg, 1960-1961
Pierre Zoelly, Stampa, Bregaglia Valley, Canton of Grisons, 1978
Conference & Administrative Centre, Indoor Swimming Pool, Max Schlup, Biel/Bienne, canton of Bern, 1961-1966
Barozzi Veiga, Canton of Grisons 2014-2016
St Anthony Church, Karl Moser, Basel 1925-1927
Retreat House, Otto Glaus, Dulliken, Canton of Solothurn, 1967-1969
Four Apartment Units, Atelier 5, Bern 1968-1970
School of Art & Design and General Trade, Hermann Baur together with Hans Peter Baur, Franz Breuning, Arthur Dürig, Basel 1956-1961
Terraced House, Atelier 5, Wünnewil-Flamatt, Canton of Fribourg, 1957-1958
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